Monday, September 7, 2009

The greatest things about Evony

Seriously there is one thing that is by far and away the best thing ever. It has opened up the world to me. Since day 1 of playing evony I have run into a great group of people scattered all around the world. Every server that I am on is open to anyone from anywhere in the world. The only constraint is that they are English Language servers. I am a proud Cheesehead from Wisconsin in the USA. Yet nearly everyday that I am on I have conversations with friend scattered all around the world. Some of the locales are Austrailia, Scotland, Canada, Texas, Indonesia, Taiwan, England, and Georgia (Country not the State). And of Course a bunch scattered all around the USA.
Unlike a lot of online games Evony is paced slow enough that we are able to hold meaningful conversations about topics that are not related to gameplay. Unlike some games where all you can do is concentrate on the gameplay.
The other thing I really likeabout evony is that they are willing to grow as a game rather than staying set with broken game mechanics. The game we play today is quite different from the one we started 5 months ago even though the basic idea of the game haven't changed.
One of the things that has gone through a multitude of changes is the medal system. As I was coming into the game they had it set so it was super easy to get medals through spamming techniques. Then Evony quickly shut that down and went clear across the spectrum and suddenly it was all but impossible to get a medal. Eventually they found a middle ground and it seems to work.
The reason that medals are important in this game is that they serve a dual purpose. The first is that they are used as a reward for your hard working heros who go out and lead your armies to victory. The second reason is that they are required for title and rank advancement of your in game character.
The second is the most important reason for having a well balanced medal system. If medals are to easy to acquire then players grow to fast and get bored and leave. If medals are too hard to acquire then players are angry that they are unable to advance and will leave. It is a fine balance to achieve and I believe Evony has done an adequate job of trying to find and maintain the balance.
Well that is all for now.

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